Lindsay Hadley: The Transformative Power of Courage and Faith

Competition. Winners and losers. Zero sum. Here in the west it’s part of our bread and butter. We’ve been brought up with it, whether it’s in the structure of our education system, on the playing field, in the markets, or in the workplace, there’s a notion of that in order for us to get ahead, it means that we have to get ahead of someone else.

It’s so ingrained in our collective cultural identity, that we project it onto everything and everyone else. We assume it’s a law of nature, because it’s a framework that defines our way of life. In order for there to be a winner, there has to be a loser.

It’s no surprise, then, that it’s so easy to feel like a loser, if we aren’t constantly winning.

But what if it isn’t natural at all? What if we redefine what winning actually is? What if, rather than winning at the expense of someone or something else, we win based on what we can give to someone or something else? What if winning means helping others to win too? What if winning means bringing people together, delivering value to others, and raising the waters so that all ships can rise together?

This week I speak to Lindsay Hadley. She is the founder of Hadley Impact, an agency that brings together organisations in order to realise projects that do huge social good. From massive charity events to marketing campaigns, UN initiatives and mental health projects, she works with big players from non-profit, governmental and commercial sectors, convincing them to work together, to do something that delivers huge benefit around the world, with the philosophy that doing well for yourself means delivering value for others.

In this episode we talk about how you find yourself when you lose yourself, how you need to create a sense of faith – your why – to keep you motivated in the early days of a new endeavour, and how self awareness is vital in order to deal with the self doubt, the imposter syndrome, and the necessary discomfort of stepping into the void beyond your comfort zone that’s required in order to grow towards your goals and your potential.

You can find out more about the work Lindsay does by visiting her site at


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