Ameena Rojee: Transforming Your Life, One Project At A Time


For most of my life I was waiting to receive the rewards you get for keeping your head down and working hard. But they never came. Life was something that happened to me and not for me, and ultimately I felt powerless to steer it in a direction of my choosing. The result was that I ended up somewhere I hadn’t planned to be.

But then I learned that if you change your perspective and your approach to life you can also change your results and the world around you. By engaging with life you can literally design it in a way that works for you.

This is why I started writing my books and my blog, and recording my podcast.

My latest guest was the photographer Ameena Rojee. She is living the values that I’ve talked about in so much of what I’ve written.


She’s going out into the word and finding experiences that are transforming her life, and she’s documenting the process.

This approach to life has seen her training at a Kung Fu school in China, walking thousands of kilometres across Europe on the Camino de Santiago, exploring the forest of Latvia, and finding herself in the process.

Take a listen to the podcast or watch the video of our conversation. And if you want to find out more here are se handy links:


Only Give Energy To The Thoughts That Serve You


We Can Be Afraid, Or We Can Live